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Patient�s adherence to prescribed home exercises: Barriers and interventions

Author(s): Soukayna Mourad, Hassane Kheir Eddine, Hassan Karaki, Khodor Haidar Hassan

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate patients’ adherence to home exercise programs in physical therapy practice in Lebanon, to learn which factors determine the level of adherence, and the methods used to promote it. Materials and methods: An online questionnaire was sent to a random group of Lebanese physical therapists. 44 respondents were included. 22 (50%) have 4-10 years of experience while the other 22 (50%) have more than 10 years of experience. The answers were submitted anonymously using an online application (Survey Monkey). Data were collected, and simple statistical analysis and calculation of percentages were performed. Results: Only 36% of respondents reported high level of adherence to home exercises among their patients. The following factors were reported to have a significant effect on adherence: age, self-efficacy, fatigue, understanding and memorizing exercises, and time. The results were in line with the data published in the literature. Among the methods used to promote adherence, verbal instructions were the most commonly used, and to a much lower extent, photos, booklets, and videos.Conclusion: Physiotherapists were highly aware of the barriers that preclude proper patient adherence to home exercises. However, their use of the available interventions is suboptimal and therefore should be emphasized.