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The human microbiome: Implications for health and disease from a genetic

Received: January 17, 2022
Accepted: January 19, 2022
Published: February 16, 2022
Genet.Mol.Res. 21(1):


The human microbiome, the vast community of microorganisms that inhabit the human body, plays a crucial role in shaping our health and disease susceptibility. Comprising bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms, the microbiome interacts with the host organism in complex ways, influencing various physiological processes, immune responses, and metabolic activities. Recent advances in genetic sequencing technologies have revolutionized our understanding of the human microbiome, revealing its immense diversity, dynamic nature, and functional significance in health and disease.

At the genetic level, the human microbiome encompasses the collective genomes of the microbial communities that reside within and on the human body. These microbial genomes encode a wide array of genes and metabolic pathways that contribute to the functional repertoire of the microbiome. By analyzing the genetic composition of microbial communities through metagenomic sequencing and other molecular techniques, researchers can characterize the taxonomic diversity, functional potential, and ecological dynamics of the human microbiome across different body sites and individuals.


The human microbiome exerts profound effects on human health through its interactions with the host immune system, metabolism, and physiological functions. In the gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiome plays a central role in nutrient metabolism, energy harvest, and immune regulation. Commensal bacteria in the gut produce essential vitamins, metabolize dietary fibers, and modulate the inflammatory response, contributing to host health and homeostasis. Dysbiosis, or alterations in the composition and function of the gut microbiome, has been implicated in various gastrointestinal disorders, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and colorectal cancer.

Moreover, the human microbiome influences systemic health beyond the gut, impacting diverse organ systems and physiological processes. The skin microbiome, for example, plays a role in maintaining skin barrier function, immune surveillance, and protection against pathogens. Dysbiosis of the skin microbiome has been associated with dermatological conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Similarly, the vaginal microbiome plays a critical role in women's reproductive health, influencing susceptibility to vaginal infections, preterm birth, and sexually transmitted diseases.

In addition to its role in health maintenance, the human microbiome is implicated in the pathogenesis of various diseases, including infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, metabolic syndromes, and neurological conditions. Disruption of the microbiome composition, diversity, or function can lead to dysregulated immune responses, altered metabolic profiles, and increased susceptibility to pathogens. For example, dysbiosis of the gut microbiome has been linked to autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes, where aberrant immune activation targets host tissues.

Furthermore, the human microbiome has emerged as a key determinant of drug metabolism, efficacy, and toxicity. Gut microbes play a role in metabolizing drugs and xenobiotics, influencing drug bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic outcomes. Inter-individual variation in the composition and activity of the gut microbiome can lead to differences in drug responses and adverse reactions. Understanding the interplay between the microbiome and pharmacotherapy is essential for personalized medicine approaches and optimizing drug treatments for individual patients.

In light of the profound impact of the human microbiome on health and disease, there is growing interest in leveraging microbiome-based interventions for preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic purposes. Microbiome-targeted interventions, such as probiotics, prebiotics, antibiotics, and Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT), hold promise for modulating the composition and function of the microbiome to promote health and treat disease. For example, FMT has emerged as an effective treatment for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection, restoring microbial diversity and function in the gut and resolving symptoms in affected patients.

However, the clinical translation of microbiome-based interventions faces several challenges, including the need for rigorous scientific validation, standardization of methodologies, and consideration of safety and regulatory issues. Moreover, the complexity and individual variability of the human microbiome pose challenges for personalized medicine approaches, necessitating further research into the factors influencing microbiome composition, stability, and resilience.


The human microbiome represents a dynamic and interconnected ecosystem that profoundly influences human health and disease. At the genetic level, the microbiome encompasses a diverse array of microbial genomes encoding genes and metabolic pathways that contribute to host physiology, immune function, and disease susceptibility. Understanding the genetic composition, functional potential, and ecological dynamics of the human microbiome is essential for elucidating its role in health and disease and developing microbiome-based interventions for personalized medicine. By leveraging advances in genetic sequencing and systems biology, researchers can unlock the therapeutic potential of the human microbiome and pave the way for precision microbiome medicine in the future.

About the Authors

Corresponding Author

Vyne van Der Schoot

Department of Genetics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States



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