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Single nucleotide polymorphisms from Theobroma cacao expressed sequence tags associated with witches� broom disease in cacao

Author(s): L.S. Lima1, K.P. Gramacho1, N. Carels2, R. Novais1, F.A. Gaiotto2,U.V. Lopes1, A.S. Gesteira2, H.A. Zaidan1,2, J.C.M. Cascardo2,J.L. Pires1 and F. Micheli2,3

In order to increase the efficiency of cacao tree resistance to witches’ broom disease, which is caused by Moniliophthora perniciosa (Tricholomataceae), we looked for molecular markers that could help in the selection of resistant cacao genotypes. Among the different markers useful for developing marker-assisted selection, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) constitute the most common type of sequence difference between alleles and can be easily detected by in silico analysis from expressed sequence tag libraries. We report the first detection and analysis of SNPs from cacao-M. perniciosa interaction expressed sequence tags, using bioinformatics. Selection based on analysis of these SNPs should be useful for developing cacao varieties resistant to this devastating disease. In order to increase the efficiency of cacao tree resistance to witches’ broom disease, which is caused by Moniliophthora perniciosa (Tricholomataceae), we looked for molecular markers that could help in the selection of resistant cacao genotypes. Among the different markers useful for developing marker-assisted selection, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) constitute the most common type of sequence difference between alleles and can be easily detected by in silico analysis from expressed sequence tag libraries. We report the first detection and analysis of SNPs from cacao-M. perniciosa interaction expressed sequence tags, using bioinformatics. Selection based on analysis of these SNPs should be useful for developing cacao varieties resistant to this devastating disease.