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RAPD-based study of genetic variation and relationships among wild fig genotypes in Turkey

Author(s): M. Akbulut, S. Ercisli and H. Karlidag

The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) is of significant socio-economic importance in Turkey, with 25% of the world’s fig production. Genetic variation and relationships among 14 wild-grown figs sampled from Coruh Valley in Turkey were characterized by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Ninety-eight DNA fragments were scored after amplification of DNA samples with 13 random primers; 70% of the scored bands were polymorphic. Genetic distances between the fig genotypes ranged from 0.21 to 0.62. Genotypes 08-ART-02 and 08-ART-06 were found to be the most closely related, whereas 08-ART-09 and 08-ART-10 were the most distant. The 14 wild-grown genotypes were grouped into six main clusters and one outgroup. We conclude that RAPD analysis is efficient for genotyping wild-grown fig genotypes.