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Polymorphic CA microsatellites in the third exon of the bovine BMP4 gene

Author(s): X. Zhong, L.S. Zan, H.B. Wang and Y.F. Liu

We examined the variation of the BMP4 gene in four Chinese indigenous cattle breeds and investigated the association of this polymorphism with body measurement traits. Using PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing, a polymorphic microsatellite was detected in the third exon of the bovine BMP4 gene in 459 samples from four Chinese indigenous cattle breeds, Qinchuan, Luxi, Nanyang, and Jiaxian red. The two alleles were named A and B. Allele frequencies of BMP4-A/B in the four breeds were 0.939/0.061, 0.928/0.072, 0.929/0.071, and 0.938/0.062, respectively. Least squares analysis revealed significant effects of genotype on withers height in the four breeds, on hip height in two breeds (Luxi and Nanyang, P < 0.05) and on chest circumference in Qinchuan (P < 0.05), while no significant effects of genotype on body length and rump length were found. These results can be applied to marker-assisted selection of Chinese cattle breeds, but a much larger number of animals will be needed for association analysis.