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Long survival in a 69,XXX triploid infant in Greece

Author(s): Dimitrios Iliopoulos, Georgia Vassiliou, Eleni Sekerli, Vasiliki Sidiropoulou, Alexandra Tsiga, Despina Dimopoulou and Nikolaos Voyiatzis

The live birth of a triploidy infant is a very rare event and death usually occurs within the first hours of life. Triploid cases with a survival of more than two months are infrequent. We report on an infant with a 69,XXX chromosome constitution who survived 164 days. Chromosomal analysis demonstrated a 69,XXX karyotype with no evidence of mosaicism. This is the longest survival reported for this condition to date in Greece and the fourth longest worldwide. The infant was admitted to our clinic several times due to respiratory problems, and supplementary oxygen was required. The improved survival of our case was possibly due to better management of respiratory illness and prematurity, and these are essential factors that physicians should consider carefully with such rare cases.