Bryconamericus comprises 56 species distributed into three groups, on the basis of the position and shape of the maxillary teeth: B. exodon, B. microcephalus and B. iheringii groups. Few cytogenetic data are available for this genus, but the diploid number of 52 chromosomes is quite common, although the karyotypic variability is extensive. This study aimed to characterize a population of B. aff. iheringii and thus contribute more cytogenetic information and better understanding of the structure and karyotypic evolution of this genus. We found 6 cytotypes with different NOR patterns: cytotype I showed a karyotype formula of 12m+10sm+16st+14a (FN = 90) and single NORs; cytotype II with 18m+14sm+10st+10a (FN = 94) and cytotype III with 20m+18sm+4st+10a (FN = 94), showing both single and multiple NORs; cytotype IV with 20m+14sm+12st+6a (NF = 98), cytotype V with 22m+18sm+8st+4a (FN = 100) and cytotype VI with 18m+24sm+6st+4a (FN = 100), all with multiple NORs. Cytotype I is the most different in relation to FN and NOR pattern, and can be regarded as belonging to another species of the genus Bryconamericus, living in sympatry in Três Bocas Stream. The remaining cytotypes may have been generated by crosses between them and by pericentricinversions. Meiotic cells were also analyzed and showed that despite the high karyotypic variability, chromosome pairing occurred normally. The great variability found in B. aff. iheringii may be related to a high degree of polymorphism; nevertheless, the possibility of occurrence of more than one species in this location is not ruled out, demonstrating the need for conservation of the Três Bocas Stream.
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