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Isolation of transfected fibroblast clones for use in nuclear transfer and transgene detection in cattle embryos

Author(s): Eduardo O. Melo, Regivaldo V. Sousa, L�­lian T. Iguma, Maur�­cio M. Franco, Elibio L. Rech and Rodolfo Rumpf

Transgenesis in cattle has provided numerous opportunities for livestock production. The development of nuclear transfer (NT) technology has improved the production of transgenic livestock. However, the isolation of pure colonies from a single transfection event remains laborious and can be a constraint in the production of transgenic livestock. We used 96-well cell culture plates to isolate cell lineages obtained from a single fibroblast transfected with the pCi-Neo plasmid. Since single mammalian cells do not grow well in fresh medium, we evaluated the use of conditioned medium. The neomycin phosphotransferase gene was detected in isolated colonies and NT embryos were produced from these cells. Multiplex-PCR assays were performed to detect the transfected fragment as well as autosomal satellite DNA in single NT embryos. This approach provided a reliable method for isolating transfected mammalian cells and for diagnosing the incorporation ofdesirable vectors in NT embryos. This method can reduce the time and cost of transgenic livestock production.