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Genetic trends of absolute and relative heart weight in a male broiler line

Author(s): Gaya LG, Costa AMMA, Ferraz JBS, Rezende FM, Mattos EC, Eler JP, Michelan Filho T, Mourao GB and Figueiredo LGG

Data of chickens from a broiler-breeding program have been collected and used for determination of genetic trends of absolute and relative heart weight. The genetic trends have been estimated by regression of the genetic values of the traits over hatch-year. Genetic values of 42,912 individuals, obtained by restricted maximum likelihood, were used for regression analysis. The estimates of the genetic trends for absolute and relative heart weight were found to be -0.08 g and -0.004% per hatch-year, respectively. These trends show that heart weight in the line analyzed, in absolute and relative terms, has tended to decrease, which can make the metabolic disorders due to the reduction in heart weight in broilers even worse.