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Frequencies of phenylalanine hydroxylase mutations I65T, R252W, R261Q, R261X, IVS10nt11, V388M, R408W, Y414C, and IVS12nt1 in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Author(s): Luciana Lara dos Santos, Myrian de Castro Magalh�£es, Adriana de Oliveira Reis, Ana L�ºcia Pimenta Starling, Jos�© N�©lio Janu�¡rio, Cleusa Gra�§a da Fonseca, Marcos Jos�© Burle de Aguiar and Maria Raquel Santos Carvalho

In order to determine the phenylketonuria (PKU) mutation spectrum in the population of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, 78 unrelated PKU patients found by the neonatal screening program from 1993 to 2003 were tested for nine phenylalanine hydroxylase mutations. These mutations were selected due to their high frequencies in other Brazilian populations and in Portugal, where the largest contingent of the Caucasian component of the Brazilian population originated from. The most frequent mutations were V388M (21%), R261Q (16%), IVS10nt11 (13.4%), I65T (5.7%), and R252W (5%). The frequencies of the other four mutations (R261X, R408W, Y414C, and IVS12nt1) did not reach 2%. By testing these nine mutations, we were able to identify 64% of the PKU alleles in our sample. V388M frequency was higher than in any other known population and almost three times larger than that observed in Portugal, probably reflecting genetic drift. The mutation profile, as well as the relative frequency of the different mutations, suggestthat the Minas Gerais population more closely resembles that of Portugal than do the other Brazilian populations that have already been tested.