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Expression of the ROR�± gene in Inner Mongolian cashmere goat hair follicles

Author(s): Y.H. Zhao, Z.H. Liu, L. Wang, H.M. Xiao, C.G. Du, Y.J. Zhang,R. Su and J.Q. Li

The expression of retinoid-acid-related orphan receptor �± (ROR�±) was evaluated at the mRNA level using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), and its expression localization was determined by in situ hybridization of adult Inner Mongolian cashmere goats at different times of the year. In situ hybridization demonstrated that ROR�±was expressed in secondary hair follicles of the hair shaft, inner root sheath, outer root sheath, medulla, and other parts that are target organs of the ROR�±receptor gene. qRT-PCR results showed that there was no significant difference in the RORa mRNA abundance in February, April, August, and October (P > 0.05), and the only difference occurred in December relative to February, August, and October (P ROR�±. This study provides a good foundation for future studies on the relationship between the melatonin receptor and cashmere growth; in addition, it provides new insights for increased cashmere production and quality.