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Electrophoretic and chromatographic profile for â??S-likeâ? hemoglobin (Perfil eletrofor?©tico e cromatogr?¡fico das hemoglobinas â??S-likeâ?)

Author(s): Luciana de Souza Ondei

Hemoglobin variants originate mainly by simple amino acid substitutions, the result of nucleotide sequence changes. Recently, the number of known abnormal hemoglobins has increased due to improvement in analysis methodologies; however, many laboratories are not prepared to correctly identify mutants. Hb S is a very well-characterized hemoglobin variant that varies in prevalence in different regions of Brazil. However, there is a type of Hb that presents electrophoretic migration in alkaline pH similar to Hb S, named S-like Hb, which can be incorrectly diagnosed; therefore, its frequency is underestimated. We obtained reference ranges for Hb S by HPLC, and we examined the electrophoretic and chromatographic profiles of S-like Hb. Hb Hasharon, Hb D-Los Angeles, Hb Korle-Bu, Hb Lepore, Hb D-Iran, Hb G-like, Hb Queens, Hb Montgomery, and Hb Q-India were found. Cases of association between two beta chain mutants were also found.