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Effect of intracellular Wolbachia on interspecific crosses between Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans

Author(s): I.N. Gazla and M.C. Carracedo

Wolbachia are bacteria that live inside the cells of a large number of invertebrate hosts and are transmitted from infected females to their offspring. Their presence is associated with cytoplasmic incompatibility in several species of Drosophila. Cytoplasmic incompatibility results when the sperm of infected males fertilize eggs of uninfected females, causing more or less intense embryonic mortality (unidirectional incompatibility). This phenomenon also appears in crosses between populations infected with different Wolbachia strains (bidirectional incompatibility). The influence of Wolbachia infection on host populations has attracted attention as a potentially rapid mechanism for development of reproductive isolation and subsequent speciation. We examined the influence of this bacterium on reproductive isolation in interspecific crosses between Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. We found that Wolbachia infection negatively affected these two species in homospecific crosses. However, in interspecific crosses, it only influenced sexual isolation, as infected females more frequently hybridized than females free of infection; postzygotic reduction of fitness (bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility) was not detected. This would be explained by the existence of several modes of rescue systems in these two species, reducing cytoplasmic incompatibility between them. Wolbachia does not appear to cause reproductive isolation between these two species. Wolbachia are bacteria that live inside the cells of a large number of invertebrate hosts and are transmitted from infected females to their offspring. Their presence is associated with cytoplasmic incompatibility in several species of Drosophila. Cytoplasmic incompatibility results when the sperm of infected males fertilize eggs of uninfected females, causing more or less intense embryonic mortality (unidirectional incompatibility). This phenomenon also appears in crosses between populations infected with different Wolbachia strains (bidirectional incompatibility). The influence of Wolbachia infection on host populations has attracted attention as a potentially rapid mechanism for development of reproductive isolation and subsequent speciation. We examined the influence of this bacterium on reproductive isolation in interspecific crosses between Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. We found that Wolbachia infection negatively affected these two species in homospecific crosses. However, in interspecific crosses, it only influenced sexual isolation, as infected females more frequently hybridized than females free of infection; postzygotic reduction of fitness (bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility) was not detected. This would be explained by the existence of several modes of rescue systems in these two species, reducing cytoplasmic incompatibility between them. Wolbachia does not appear to cause reproductive isolation between these two species.