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Ectodermal dysplasias (group A): elaborationof a computerized database to help withgenetic-clinical diagnosis(Displasias ectod�©rmicas do grupo A:elabora�§�£o de um banco de dadosinformatizado para aux�­lio ao diagn�³sticogen�©tico-cl�­nico)

Author(s): Toni Lisboa Costa

Ectodermal dysplasias are conditions that involve structures derived from the ectoderm, such as the epidermis and its enclosures, constituting a large and complex nosologic group, composed of rare entities with genetic etiology (in their majority). Freire-Maia, in 1971 and 1977, proposed a clinical definition and a clinical-mnemonic classification of the ectodermal dysplasias, which are used today by researchers and clinicians throughout the world.