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DNA sequence polymorphism within the bovine adenosine monophosphate deaminase 1 (AMPD1) is associated with production traits in Chinese cattle

Author(s): C.-B. Wei, J.-Q. Wang, F.-Y. Chen, H. Niu and K. Li1,

The objectives of the present study were to detect an 18-bp deletion mutation in the bovine adenosine monophosphate deaminase 1 (AMPD1) gene and analyze its effect on growth traits in 2 Chinese cattle breeds using DNA sequencing and agarose electrophoresis. The five 19-bp polymerase chain reaction products of the AMPD1 gene exhibited 3 genotypes and 2 alleles: WW: homozygote genotype (wild-type); DD: homozygote genotype (mutant-type); WD: heterozygote genotype. Frequencies of the W allele varied from 66.15-70.35%. The associations between the 18-bp deletion mutation in the AMPD1 gene with production traits in 226 Jia-Xian red cattle was analyzed. The animals with genotype WW showed significantly higher heart girth and body weight than those with genotypes WD and DD at 24 months (P AMPD1 gene is associated with production traits, and may be used for marker-assisted selection in beef cattle breeding programs.