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DGAT1 K232A polymorphism in Brazilian cattle breeds

Author(s): G.A. Lacorte, M.A. Machado, M.L. Martinez, A.L. Campos, R.P. Maciel, R.S. Verneque, R.L. Teodoro, M.G.C.D. Peixoto, M.R.S. Carvalho and C.G. Fonseca

Recent reports identified DGAT1 (EC harboring a lysine to alanine substitution (K232A) as a candidate gene with a strong effect on milk production traits. Our objective was to estimate the frequency of the DGAT1 K232A polymorphism in the main Zebu and Taurine breeds in Brazil as well as in Zebu x Taurine crossbreds as a potential QTL for marker-assisted selection. Samples of 331 animals from the main Brazilian breeds, Nellore, Guzerat, Red Sindhi, Gyr, Holstein, and Gyr x Holstein F1 were genotyped for DGAT1 K232A polymorphism (A and K alleles) using the PCR-RFLP technique. The highest frequency of the A allele was found in the Holstein sample (73%) followed by Gyr x Holstein F1 (39%). Gyr and Red Sindhi showed low frequencies of A alleles (4 and 2.5%, respectively). The A allele was not found in the Nellore and Guzerat samples. Our results could be used to guide association studies between this locus and milk traits in these breeds.