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Correlation analysis of ultrasonic characteristics, pathological type, and molecular markers of thyroid nodules

Author(s): J.J. Su, L.Z. Hui, C.J. Xi and G.Q. Su

The present study was conducted to analyze the correlation between ultrasonic characteristics, pathological type, and molecular markers of thyroid-tumor-related genes as well as to evaluate the diagnosis and prognosis of thyroid nodules. The acoustic characteristics of 130 thyroid specimens were detected. Pathological sectioning and immunohistochemical detection were performed to determine the correlation between tumor gene expression and ultrasonic characteristics. Ultrasonic testing revealed that malignant nodules were normally accompanied by lymph nodes. Expression of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase, Ki67, vascular endothelial growth factor, Ret, and P53 genes exhibited statistically significant differences in malignant, benign, and normal tissues. The performance of thyroid malignant nodules showed different degrees of correlation with the expression of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase, Ki67, VEGF, Ret, and P53 genes. Color Doppler ultrasound is highly sensitive for thyroid nodules and is therefore effective for identifying thyroid nodules and early diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Color Doppler ultrasound can identify benign or malignant thyroid nodules based on 5 characteristic indicators. Tumor pathology and gene expression are associated with the sonographic features of thyroid cancer. Therefore, determining the pathological basis of ultrasonography would facilitate prognostic assessments of thyroid cancer.