Soy is an important legume for global economy. The objectives of this study were evaluated soybean genotypes in different growing environments as for their agronomic characters and resistance to leaf spots, and determine the adaptability and phenotypic stability of materials in relation to the place of cultivation. Experiments were conducted in the cities of São Gotardo, Uberaba and Uberlandia, Minas Gerais State, in 2002-2003. 20 soybean genotypes were evaluated from Technological Center of Agricultural Research of Estado in Goiás (Emgopa 316, Msoy 6101, BRSGO Caiapônia, BRSGO Luziânia, BRSGO Santa Cruz, Msoy 8411, Msoy 8800, Emgopa 315, BRSGO Paraíso, Emgopa 313, BRSGO Jataí, BRSGO Ipameri, BRSGO Chapadões, Emgopa 309, BRSMT Crixás, Emgopa 302, BRSGO Mineiros, Emgopa 314, BRSGO Goiatuba, BRSGO Bela Vista). A design of randomized blocks in factorial scheme was employed, with 20 treatments and 3 replicates. The agronomic characteristics evaluated were: number of days to flowering and maturity, plant height at flowering and maturity and height of insertion of the first pod, lodging and grain yield. Correlations were calculated between the study characters. The best performing genotype was the BRASGO Luziânia. Phenotypic correlations were significant, but low. The most resilient genotype to foliar diseases was Emgopa 314. In general, the genotypes showed wider adaptability and stability, with values ranging from 0.02 to 14.16 %.
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