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Application of SCAR markers linked with mungbean yellow mosaic virus disease-resistance gene in Pakistan mungbean germplasm

Author(s): R. Binyamin, M.A. Khan, N.A. Khan and A.I. Khan

Mungbean yellow mosaic virus disease (MYMVD) caused by single-stranded DNA begomovirus is the most prominent threat to the mungbean crop in Pakistan. Mungbean genotypes consisting of 127 varieties/lines were screened for MYMVD under natural field conditions. No genotypes were found to be immune or highly resistant against MYMVD. Genotypes showing resistant and tolerant responses in field screening trials were screened using sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers linked with the MYMVD-resistance gene. SCAR markers amplified the desired band only in the resistant and tolerant genotypes, while no amplification was observed in susceptible genotypes. SCAR markers will be useful for future breeding and varietal developmental programs and mungbean genotypes can be screened on the molecular level.