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Analysis of the gene-protein interaction network in Analysis of the gene-protein interaction network in glioma

Author(s): C. Zhou1*, W.J. Teng2*, J. Zhuang1, H.L. Liu3, S.F. Tang1, X.J. Cao4, B.N. Qin4, C.C. Wang4 and C.G. Sun1

Glioma is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. Great progress has been achieved in glioma treatment, but the protein-protein interaction networks underlining glioma are poorly understood. We identified the protein-protein interaction network for glioma based on gene expression and predicted biological pathways underlying the molecular complexes in the network. Genes involved in glioma were selected from the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database. A literature search was performed using the Agilent Literature Search plugin, and Cytoscape was used to establish a protein-protein interaction network. The molecular complexes in the network were detected using the Clusterviz plugin, and pathway enrichment of molecular complexes was performed using DAVID online. There were 378 glioma genes in the OMIM database. The protein-protein interaction network in glioma contained 1814 nodes, 6471 edges, and 8 molecular complexes. There were 17 pathways (false discovery rate Glioma is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. Great progress has been achieved in glioma treatment, but the protein-protein interaction networks underlining glioma are poorly understood. We identified the protein-protein interaction network for glioma based on gene expression and predicted biological pathways underlying the molecular complexes in the network. Genes involved in glioma were selected from the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database. A literature search was performed using the Agilent Literature Search plugin, and Cytoscape was used to establish a protein-protein interaction network. The molecular complexes in the network were detected using the Clusterviz plugin, and pathway enrichment of molecular complexes was performed using DAVID online. There were 378 glioma genes in the OMIM database. The protein-protein interaction network in glioma contained 1814 nodes, 6471 edges, and 8 molecular complexes. There were 17 pathways (false discovery rate