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A picture of gene sampling/expression in model organisms using ESTs and KOG proteins

Author(s): Maur�­cio de Alvarenga Mudado and Jos�© Miguel Ortega

The expressed sequence tag (EST) is an instrument of gene discovery. When available in large numbers, ESTs may be used to estimate gene expression. We analyzed gene expression by EST sampling, using the KOG database, which includes 24,154 proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana (Ath), 17,101 from Caenorhabditis elegans (Cel), 10,517 from Drosophila melanogaster (Dme), and 26,324 from Homo sapiens (Hsa), and 178,538 ESTs for Ath, 215,200 for Cel, 261,404 for Dme, and 1,941,556 for Hsa. BLAST similarity searches were performed to assign KOG annotation to all ESTs. We determined the amount of gene sampling or expression dedicated to each KOG functional category by each model organism. We found that the 25% most-expressed genes are frequently shared among these organisms. The KOG protein classification allowed the EST sampling calculation throughout the glycolysis pathway. We calculated the KOG cluster coverage and inferred that 50 to 80 K ESTs would efficiently cover 80-85% of the KOG database clusters in a transcriptome project. Since KOG is a database bi-ased towards housekeeping genes, this is probably the number of ESTs needed to include the more commonly expressed genes in these organisms. We also examined a still unaddressed question: what is the minimum number of ESTs that should be produced in a transcriptome project?