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A new high-frequency allele of the BM2113 locus in the Yunnan mithun population

Author(s): K.-X. Qu, Z.-X. He, R.-J. Hao, J.-C. Zhang, B.-Z. Huang,L.-S. Zan, and Y.-P. Zhang

The BM2113 locus was amplified in Yunnan mithun (Bos frontalis) from the southwest mountains of China. It showed a high degree of polymorphism with a total of 12 alleles. The 121-bp polymorphic allele of the BM2113 locus that accounted for 37.1% of homozygotes was the predominant allele with a frequency of 58.57%, identified as mithun-specific for Bos species in Yunnan mithun. The polymorphism information content value was high with a mean of 0.6170, the expected and observed heterozygosity was moderate with values of 0.6427 and 0.6000, respectively, and the BM2113 locus was under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P = 0.2897) in the Yunnan mithun population. This study elucidated the genetic diversity, multi-origin, specific alleles, and characterization of mithun